mNo edit summary
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2. [[Image:icon.png]] [[Sclavus Hide]] from a [[Essa Sclavus]] or a [[Sata Sclavus]]<br>
2. [[Image:icon.png]] [[Sclavus Hide]] from a [[Essa Sclavus]] or a [[Sata Sclavus]]<br>

3. [[Image:Large Sclavus Hide icon.png]] [[Large Sclavus Hide]] from a [[Chomu Sclavus]], [[Faisi Sclavus]], [[Ulu Sclavus]], the [[Cold One]],or any Sclavus Lord<br>
3. [[Image:Large Sclavus Hide Icon.png]] [[Large Sclavus Hide]] from a [[Chomu Sclavus]], [[Faisi Sclavus]], [[Ulu Sclavus]], the [[Cold One]],or any Sclavus Lord<br>

4. [[Image:Sclavus Tongue Icon.png]] [[Sclavus Tongue]] from a [[Aste Sclavus]], [[Sata Sclavus]], [[Essa Sclavus]], [[Chomu Sclavus]], [[Faisi Sclavus]], [[Ulu Sclavus]], the [[Cold One]], or any Sclavus Lord<br>
4. [[Image:Sclavus Tongue Icon.png]] [[Sclavus Tongue]] from a [[Aste Sclavus]], [[Sata Sclavus]], [[Essa Sclavus]], [[Chomu Sclavus]], [[Faisi Sclavus]], [[Ulu Sclavus]], the [[Cold One]], or any Sclavus Lord<br>

Revision as of 17:56, 19 March 2009

File:Captain K'rank Live.JPG
Captain K'rank
Quest Summary
Quest type Solo
XP Reward 50,000 or 150,000
XP Cap 150,000
Item Reward Health, Stamina, and Mana Elixers/Tonics
Trade Notes
Lugian Foods
Title Reward none
Starting location Linvak Tukal
Timer 24 hours
Level Restrictions none
Level Suggestions 20+
Introduced in: A Small Victory

Walk Through

There are many different small quests (errands) that make up this quest. So the rewards are variable and the quest you actually receive is random.

To receive a quest head to the Linvak Tukal by using the portal in Yaraq at 21.9S 1.0W, just east of town in one of the portal bunkers. The quest giving NPC, Captain K'rank, is located right by the portal drop next to the path up into the main structure. Speak to him and you will be given a certain task. The tasks are generally simple but the tasks involving the collection of certain trophies maybe time consuming.

Captain K'rank tells you, "Hail Isparian, I am sorry if I appear preoccupied. I am waiting on a very important report from a spy working amongst the Renegades. His report from the Renegade fortress in the Direlands is overdue and we have seen an increase in the number of camps surrounding the fortress. I should not bother you with such concerns."
Captain K'rank tells you, "You have come to aid us, no? Well then, let me see what I have for you."
Captain K'rank seems to consult some notes.
Captain K'rank tells you, "Let me see what I have for you."

Treated Herbs

Captain K'rank gives you Treated Herbs.
Captain K'rank tells you, "Not long ago I met a rugged traveler from the Island town of MacNiall's Freehold. This savvy traveler struck an efficacious deal with me, one that I intend to uphold as best I can. I'm to deliver a collection of treated herbs to him in exchange for some information that he has been collecting for me. If you're so disposed to assisting me, bring these herbs to MacNiall and return to me with the missive that he supplies you."
Captain K'rank tells you, "Be swift, MacNiall's information is very important to our cause of unity. Hurry along now."

1. If you receive a bag of Treated Herbs your destination is MacNiall's Freehold on the Vesayen Islands. To get to the Freehold first goto Shoushi and find the portal to Kryst which is in a bunker just outside the town to the northwest. Once in Kryst goto the Umbral Hall at 75.8S 83.1E and from the drop head down the South hallway where you will enter a room with several portal including a Freehold portal. Go in the portal and you will be transported to MacNiall's Freehold. You need to give the Treated herb to MacNiall the Unruled who resides outside in the center of town.

You give MacNiall the Unruled Treated Herbs.
MacNiall the Unruled tells you, "Ahh, I've been waiting for these. Not long mind you. The Lugians are very prompt in their delivery, nothing at all like the vermin I'm used to working with back on Ispar. Never mind the dogs living here on Dereth. This be for Captain K'rank."
MacNiall the Unruled gives you Sealed Missive.
MacNiall the Unruled tells you, "Tell 'im that I'm willing to continue this advantageous relationship, so long as he's willing to keep supplying me with these herbs."

2. Now return to the Linvak Tukal and give the Sealed Missive to Captain K'rank.

You give Captain K'rank Sealed Missive.
Captain K'rank tells you, "I offer you my thanks and the small tokens that I shall give you in a moment. The information contained in this missive may one day save a great many lives."
You've earned 50,000 experience.
Captain K'rank gives you Health Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Health Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Stamina Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Stamina Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Mana Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Mana Elixir.
Captain K'rank tells you, "Come back tomorrow, I might have more work for you then."

Refined Ore

Captain K'rank tells you, "Though many believe that we Lugian's have either thrown our lot in with High Queen Elysa or with that traitorous dog, Muldaveus."
Captain K'rank spits. Captain K'rank gives you Refined Ore.
Captain K'rank tells you, "Excuse me... That belief is untrue. Some Lugians actually struck out on their own when Nuhmudira was claiming that she desired to create a grand place of learning. One such Lugian, Olcris, joined with Nuhmudira and started acting very strangely. Well... my reach isn't so short that I don't have eyes on him. In fact, I have a contact at the Beach Fort that keeps up with all his comings and goings at Stonehold. His price is steep, but we honor his price. His name is Feruza ibn Salaq and his price is here."
Captain K'rank tells you, "It's a small price to pay someone for such important information. Feruza's reports and return them to me for a fair reward."

1. If you recieve Refined Ore from Captain K'rank then your destination is the Beachfort located to the far northwest. To get there go to the town of Mayoi then to the Lady Maila Estates settlement portal at 60.8S, 80.3E. Next run west to the Beachfort at 76.0N 49.1W and give your Refined Ore to Feruza ibn Salaq.

You give Feruza ibn Salaq Refined Ore.
Feruza ibn Salaq tells you, "I see that K'rank is still interested in keeping our deal running. Well, tell him that I am still willing to uphold my end of the bargain. Not long ago, I even saw the blood witch talking to Olcris, making sure that he was well taken care of I assume. She makes me uneasy when she is around. Oh, there's more, but that is left for Captain K'rank to report on."
Feruza ibn Salaq gives you Sealed Missive.
Feruza ibn Salaq tells you, "I'll be looking forward to the next delivery."

2. Now return to the Linvak Tukal and give the Sealed Missive to Captain K'rank.

You give Captain K'rank Sealed Missive.
Captain K'rank tells you, "Olcris is sure to have been up to something no good. I'll have a scholar look over this missive as soon as I take care of your reward."
Captain K'rank tells you, "Come back tomorrow, I might have more work for you then."
You've earned 50,000 experience.
Captain K'rank gives you Health Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Health Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Stamina Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Stamina Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Mana Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Mana Elixir.

Well-Balanced Lugian Axe

Captain K'rank gives you Well-Balanced Lugian Axe.
Captain K'rank tells you, "An old friend of mine, Gorak, was sent to support the besieged town at Dryreach. Unfortunately, Gorak was sent to the beleaguered city before he had time to pick up his new axe. If you'd be so kind to deliver the axe and collect payment from Gorak for the work, I am certain that I can muster a small reward for you."
Captain K'rank tells you, "Please, hurry. Every moment that Gorak is without his axe is another that the townsfolk of Dryreach live in danger of invasion."

1. If you receive a Well-Balanced Lugian Axe your destination is the town of Dryreach. Dryreach is a town continually under siege by tumerocks so its gates are locked all the time. If you have very high jump skill you can simply hurdle the wall or if you have lockpick skill the gate can be picked. However, if you are not proficent in either jumping or picking locks then you must purchase a Dryreach Key. The key can be purchased from the Weary-looking Man in Rithwic (outside in the pub) or in Eastham (sitting on the ground next to the well in the center of town). To get to Dryreach goto Holtburg and find the Dryreach portal located right in town in one of the portal bunkers. The portal drops you outside the walls of the town and you must run or fight through a few mid-level tumerocks to get to the door. Once within the walls find Gorak, a Lugian NPC accompanied by several other Lugians, and give him the axe and he will give you Lugian Coins in return.

You give Gorak Well-Balanced Lugian Axe.
Gorak tells you, "K'rank is the best soldier we have. He really knows how to take care of his men. Bring this back to him and make sure that the funds reach the smith."
Gorak gives you Lugian Coins.
Gorak runs a thick, calloused finger along the edge of the blade.
Gorak tells you, "This will certainly split a few thick skulls."

2. Now return to the Linvak Tukal and give the Lugian Coins to Captain K'rank.

File:Dryreach Lugians.JPG


You give Captain K'rank Lugian Coins.
Captain K'rank tells you, "Gorak must have been pleased to see the axe, he overpaid. I'll make sure that this finds its way to him in a future payment. You've been a great help, please take this with my thanks."
You've earned 50,000 experience.
Captain K'rank gives you Health Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Health Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Stamina Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Stamina Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Mana Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Mana Elixir.
Captain K'rank tells you, "Come back tomorrow, I might have more work for you then."

Golem Heart Crate

Captain K'rank gives you Golem Heart Crate.
Captain K'rank tells you, "This one should prove interesting. Our sages are interested in the geomancy that makes the Golems 'live'. We need specimens of the Golem's hearts to continue our study. Since we're used to working with stones it comes as no surprise that we are specifically interested in the different stone and mineral golems. Take this."
Captain K'rank tells you, "Put the specimens in corresponding collection slots. They are listed on the front of the crate for easy reference. Just to be clear however, I will tell you the order they should be collected in. First collect a granite heart, followed by iron, copper, obsidian, gold and finally a diamond heart. Then return to me with the full crate."

1. If you receive a Golem Heart Crate you must hunt down six types of golems and get a heart from each. The hearts must be added to the crate in a specific order. The crate will tell you which heart it wants next and the list (in the correct order) is as follows.

1. File:Granite Heart icon.png Granite Heart from a Granite Golem
2. Iron Heart from a Iron Golem
3. Copper Heart from a Copper Golem
4. File:Obsidian Heart icon.png Obsidian Heart from a Obsidian Golem
5. File:Gold Golem Heart icon.png Gold Golem Heart from a Gold Golem
6. Diamond Heart from a Diamond Golem

2. When the crate is filled it will say so and you can return to the Linvak Tukal and give the Crate to Captain K'rank.

You give Captain K'rank Golem Heart Crate.
Captain K'rank tells you, "These are wonderful finds. I'm going to see that these find their way into our sages hands as quickly as possible. For now, I must get you your reward."
You've earned 150,000 experience.
Captain K'rank gives you Stout Lugian Ale.
Captain K'rank gives you Thick Lugian Stew.
Captain K'rank gives you Hearty Lugian Loaf.
Captain K'rank gives you Health Tonic.
Captain K'rank gives you Stamina Tonic.
Captain K'rank gives you Mana Tonic.
Captain K'rank gives you Trade Note (250,000).
Captain K'rank tells you, "Come back tomorrow, I might have more work for you then."

Sclavus Cataloguing Crate

Captain K'rank gives you Sclavus Cataloguing Crate.
Captain K'rank tells you, "A little less sanitary than other collections, but no less important. Recent findings by Isparian adventurers, the High Queen, Lugian Sages and Tumerok Mystics, has resulted in a wide-spread belief that the Sclavus are an amalgam of creatures. Yes, this was first proffered forth by other more notable scholars, but even the recent findings are still full of conjecture. Perhaps the Sclavus that live today are just an evolutionary product of that first race. Whatever the case we need samples to continue our studies."
Captain K'rank tells you, "Inside the crate you'll find several bags labeled for the different body parts that are commonly harvested from the Sclavus. You should collect the specimens in the following order and then place them into the bags in the crate. The outside of the crate also has the order listed. But I want to make certain that I have done my best to inform you of your duty. Collect the small hide of the creature first, followed by the normal sized hide, the large hide and lastly add the tongue. When you have collected these four parts bring them back to me and I will give you a nice reward of no less than five items."

1. If you receive a Sclavus Cataloguing Crate you must hunt down 4 different sclavus trophies. The different trophies must be added to the crate in a specific order. The crate will tell you which heart it wants next and the list (in the correct order) is as follows.

1. Small Sclavus Hide from a Aste Sclavus or Se Sclavus

2. Sclavus Hide from a Essa Sclavus or a Sata Sclavus

3. Large Sclavus Hide from a Chomu Sclavus, Faisi Sclavus, Ulu Sclavus, the Cold One,or any Sclavus Lord

4. Sclavus Tongue from a Aste Sclavus, Sata Sclavus, Essa Sclavus, Chomu Sclavus, Faisi Sclavus, Ulu Sclavus, the Cold One, or any Sclavus Lord

2. When the crate is filled it will say so and you can return to the Linvak Tukal and give the Crate to Captain K'rank.

You give Captain K'rank Sclavus Cataloguing Crate.
Captain K'rank tells you, "Nasty smell coming from this crate. You must have freshly killed the majority of these creatures. Your efforts should not go unrewarded and to prove that we Lugian's [sic] are as noble as we claim, I offer you there."
You've earned 150,000 experience.
Captain K'rank gives you Stout Lugian Ale.
Captain K'rank gives you Thick Lugian Stew.
Captain K'rank gives you Hearty Lugian Loaf.
Captain K'rank gives you Health Tonic.
Captain K'rank gives you Stamina Tonic.
Captain K'rank gives you Mana Tonic.
Captain K'rank gives you Trade Note (250,000).
Captain K'rank tells you, "Come back tomorrow, I might have more work for you then."

Wheel Cart

1. If you receive a Wheel Cart your destination is the town of Wai-Jhou. Wai Jhou is a town located on the edge of the Obsidian Plains is fairly difficult to run to. The best option is to find a portal bot with a portal to the Small Black Hill which is very close to the town itself. Another option is to use the alternate portal to the Wai Jhou Hall of Metos found at Imuth Maer Doquin. There is still quite a run involved through a landscape filled with Direlands creature spawn. When you reach Wai Jhou the NPC you are looking for is located in the tent with two other NPCs. These NPCs are part of the Candeth Keep salvage collection quest. Hand your Wheel Cart to Kreavon, the Lugian in the tent.

You give Kreavon Wheel Cart.
Kreavon tells you, "Ahh, my friend K'rank finally got around to sending someone to collect the most recent collections, eh? Well, I hope your back is strong Isparian. This load would make the stoutest Mattekar whimper."
Kreavon loads several collections of minerals onto the wheelcart then passes it to you.
Kreavon gives you Full Wheel Cart.
Kreavon tells you, "Be careful out there, if you get caught and surrounded before you return that to K'rank you are liable to end up next to a lifestone. Give K'rank my best."

2. Now return to the Linvak Tukal and give the Full Wheel Cart to Captain K'rank.

You give Captain K'rank Full Wheel Cart.
Captain K'rank tells you, "Ugh! That was rather heavy, you could have warned me before just tossing into my arms like that. Cripes! Nonetheless, you did as I asked, so you are deserving of a fair reward. Here, take these."
You've earned 50,000 experience.
Captain K'rank gives you Health Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Health Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Stamina Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Stamina Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Mana Elixir.
Captain K'rank gives you Mana Elixir.
Captain K'rank tells you, "Come back tomorrow, I might have more work for you then."


Sealed Missive (for Herbs)

File:Treatedherbsicon.JPG Treated Herbs

Sealed Missive (for Ore)

File:Refined Ore Icon.JPG Refined Ore

File:Well-Balanced Lugian Axe Icon.JPG Well-Balanced Lugian Axe

File:Lugian Coins Icon.JPG Lugian Coins

File:Golem Heart Crate Icon.JPG Golem Heart Crate

File:Sclavus Cataloguing Crate icon.PNG Sclavus Cataloguing Crate

File:Wheel Cart icon.PNG Wheel Cart

File:Full Wheel Cart icon.PNG Full Wheel Cart

File:Hearty Lugian Loaf Icon.JPG Hearty Lugian Loaf

File:Stout Lugian Ale Icon.JPG Stout Lugian Ale

File:Thick Lugian Stew icon.PNG Thick Lugian Stew