Introduced: | Taste of Twilight |
- Value: 140
- Burden: 50
- Use this item to drink it.
- Restores 15 Mana when consumed.
- This item cannot be sold.
- A dark, refreshingly cold coffee with the smell of chocolate.
- Stack Size: ??
- Recipe was part of a Cooking Contest.
- Tools
- Baking Pan, Heavy Grinder, Metal Press
- Ingredients
- 1 Brown Beans, 1 Coffee, 1 Milk
- Result
- 1 Iced Mocha
- Steps:
- Use Baking Pan on Brown Beans to create Roasted Beans.
- Use Heavy Grinder on Roasted Beans to create Chocolate Liquor.
- Use Metal Press on Chocolate Liquor to create Cocoa Powder.
- Use Cocoa Powder on Coffee to create Mocha Base.
- Use Mocha Base on Milk to create Mocha.
- Use Heavy Grinder on Magic Iceball to create Crushed Ice.
- Use Crushed Ice on Mocha to create Iced Mocha.