Welcome to Asheron.info, the Asheron's Call™ Community Wiki. Asheron.info is the next generation AC fan site that puts control directly into the fans' hands. It is the best place for patch day information and new dungeon maps. Create an account to begin editing and adding to Asheron.info today. If you need to contact the creator of the wiki, PM Gouru on Turbine's message boards. For other questions or suggestions feel free to contact the AC Community Wiki Administrators.
The ACC wiki currently contains 504 articles and 56,340 image files!
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- This site is primarily for information distribution. If you want to contribute, do it in whatever manner is most comfortable to you. Don't let formatting, templates, worries about spelling or whatever stop you from sharing the information you have. As this site is a Wiki it can always be edited or 'cleaned up' later on.
- There are templates created for most of the page types. Templates are meant as suggestions to help provide a consistent layout. Please feel free to add or remove information from the template as you see fit. If some of the information is not known, post what you do know, and put ?? in the spots where more information is needed.
- If you aren't comfortable using templates, please feel free to post the information in a way that is comfortable to you. Be aware though that someone may come along and edit it into a template later on.
- If you have questions or suggestions, each page has a Discussion tab, also called a Talk page. Feel free to edit any entry's Talk Discussion page and add your suggestions, please also put in a signature + timestamp at the end of your entry.
- Please keep uploaded images under 75K in size.
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