July 2000 - Announcements Page

Game Changes

  • Ambient sound upgrade project has begun. The center of the Obsidian Plain and volcanic regions have received love in this update.
  • New mace and spear weapons introduced to loot.

User Interface Updates

  • Squelch functions have been updated. See the Release Notes for details.
  • The maximum stacking size for spell components has been increased to 100 and for craft items to 50.

New Quests

Updated Quests

New NPCs

Updated NPCs

New Locations

Updated Locatons

New Items

Aerfalle's Pallium Greater Amuli Shadow Leggings (Post-Patch) Greater Amuli Shadow Coat (Post-Patch) Greater Koujia Shadow Leggings (Post-Patch) Greater Koujia Shadow Breastplate (Post-Patch) Greater Koujia Shadow Sleeves (Post-Patch) Greater Celdon Shadow Leggings (Post-Patch) Greater Celdon Shadow Girth (Post-Patch) Greater Celdon Shadow Breastplate (Post-Patch) Greater Celdon Shadow Sleeves (Post-Patch) Amuli Shadow Leggings (Post-Patch) Amuli Shadow Coat (Post-Patch) Koujia Shadow Leggings (Post-Patch) Koujia Shadow Breastplate (Post-Patch) Koujia Shadow Sleeves (Post-Patch) Celdon Shadow Leggings (Post-Patch) Celdon Shadow Girth (Post-Patch) Celdon Shadow Breastplate (Post-Patch) Celdon Shadow Sleeves (Post-Patch) Lesser Amuli Shadow Leggings (Post-Patch) Lesser Amuli Shadow Coat (Post-Patch) Lesser Koujia Shadow Leggings (Post-Patch) Lesser Koujia Shadow Breastplate (Post-Patch) Lesser Koujia Shadow Sleeves (Post-Patch) Lesser Celdon Shadow Leggings (Post-Patch) Lesser Celdon Shadow Girth (Post-Patch) Lesser Celdon Shadow Breastplate (Post-Patch) Lesser Celdon Shadow Sleeves (Post-Patch)

Aerlinthe Patron Shirt Aerlinthe Monarch Shirt

Deposit of Low-Grade Chorizite Ore Deposit of High-Grade Chorizite Ore Chunk of Low-Grade Chorizite Chunk of High-Grade Chorizite Chunk of Medium-Grade Chorizite Refined Low-Grade Chorizite Refined Medium-Grade Chorizite Refined High-Grade Chorizite Infused Low-Grade Chorizite Ore (Axe) Infused Low-Grade Chorizite Ore (Claw) Infused Low-Grade Chorizite Ore (Dagger) Infused Low-Grade Chorizite Ore (Mace) Infused Low-Grade Chorizite Ore (Spear) Infused Low-Grade Chorizite Ore (Staff) Infused Low-Grade Chorizite Ore (Sword) Infused High-Grade Chorizite Ore (Axe) Infused High-Grade Chorizite Ore (Claw) Infused High-Grade Chorizite Ore (Dagger) Infused High-Grade Chorizite Ore (Mace) Infused High-Grade Chorizite Ore (Spear) Infused High-Grade Chorizite Ore (Staff) Infused High-Grade Chorizite Ore (Sword) Pyreal Forge Bellows Sluice Gate Bar Unreadable Scroll Sacrificial Dagger Ashen Key Lady of Aerlinthe's Chest Mi Krau-Li's Sarcophagus

Chorizite Ground Chorizite Chorizite Oil Strong Chorizite Oil Concentrated Chorizite Oil Condensed Chorizite Oil

Ring of the Watchman

Dispel Potion Strong Dispel Potion Concentrated Dispel Potion Condensed Dispel Potion

Aerlinthe Record Aerfalle's Letter Concerning the Revelations of Anti-Magic Practical Applications of Chorizite Smith's Note Mi Krau-Li Rumor Note from Mi Krau-Li Brodor's Epitaph

Black Boulder White Phyntos Wasp Wing

Black Fire Atlan Stone Blue Fire Infusion Red Fire Infusion White Fire Infusion

Ashbane Staff of Aerfalle Drudge Board with Nail Lugian Board with Nail Lugian Pick Axe Tumerok Board with Nail Spiked Club Swordstaff Trident Hollow Axe Hollow Katar Hollow Dagger Hollow Mace Hollow Spear Hollow Staff Hollow Sword Lugian Pick Axe Mi Krau-Li's Jitte Mi Krau-Li's Improved Jitte Peerless Atlan Axe of Black Fire Peerless Atlan Claw of Black Fire Peerless Atlan Dagger of Black Fire Peerless Atlan Mace of Black Fire Peerless Atlan Spear of Black Fire Peerless Atlan Staff of Black Fire Peerless Atlan Sword of Black Fire Ravenous Axe Ravenous Dagger Ravenous Katar Ravenous Mace Ravenous Spear Ravenous Staff Ravenous Sword

New Spells

New Creatures





Phyntos Wasp





New Dialog

Town Crier

Town Crier tells you, "News! Monsters seem to be moving from their old habitats in the Direlands to northern Osteth. Do you suppose this has something to do with the earthquakes?"

Town Crier tells you, "The sky is turning strange colors again..."

Town Crier tells you, "Hope is not lost for those making suits of gemstone armor. The master smiths, though intimidated by the campaign of terror, promise to keep working to develop armor comparable to what they once made."

Town Crier tells you, "Is it just me, or do you feel the ground shaking from time to time?"

Town Crier tells you, "A friend of mine was portal-stormed out of a dungeon yesterday!"

Town Crier tells you, "Fear me! I wield a board with a nail in it!"

Town Crier tells you, "So have you found the formulas for those spectacular new War Magic spells?"

Town Crier tells you, "News! The Lugians are mining some strange ore in the south mountains. My archmage friend is very concerned."

Town Crier tells you, "People are saying that a shadowy figure with a smoky katar killed the three gemstone armor smiths. Repeatedly."

Town Crier tells you, "I have a cousin who studies the earth and he says we are having... tec-ton-ic anomalies. What does that mean?"

Town Crier tells you, "My cousin the spear-wielder found a very powerful new spear the other day! It has three points and looks quite fearsome."

Town Crier tells you, "Yesterday I found a Wool Fez of Cooking Mastery! I should start a catering service!"

Town Crier tells you, "Have you heard the story of the undead mace master who doesn't realize he is dead? He is a sad, strange little man."

Town Crier tells you, "I found some very nice boots in the wilderness recently. Much more protective than what I could buy in a shop."

Town Crier tells you, "The master smiths who forged gemstone armor were all slain repeatedly! They are now so weak they cannot craft the armor with its original strength!"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oswald was sighted on Aerlinthe Island yesterday!"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I killed the armor smiths. They annoyed me, with all their attitude about making these elite suits or armor. I'm pretty spry for an old man, huh?"

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I saw the strangest thing in the northern forests. Huge blue auroch and a big Monouga named Paul."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Kimchi cures vitae, you know. Good stuff, so it is."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, " I hear tell that a family of Tremendous Monougas now lives under the Obsidian Span."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I hear tell that Bael'Zharon's parents were drunkards, and they would tie him up in the trees for their drunken fun. That's why he's so poorly adjusted."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've been getting... some reports... of portal storms... Asheron... is fixing... the portal network... I love Asheron... I've got mail!"

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