Introduced: | Dark Majesty | Updated: | The Gathering Storm, a Small Victory, and From the Darkness Born |
Olthoi Ichor "New" Style
Canescent Mattekar Robe
- Value: 0
- Burden: 500
- Covers Chest, Upper Arms, Lower Arms, Abdomen, Upper Legs, Lower Legs, Feet
- Armor Level: 130
- Slashing: Poor (39)
- Piercing: Poor (39)
- Bludgeoning: Poor (39)
- Fire: Above Average (169)
- Cold: Above Average (169)
- Acid: Above Average (169)
- Electric: Above Average (169)
- Nether: Average (130)
- Properties: Bonded
- The Canescent Mattekar Robe, brought to you with the finest care by Britana.
Olthoi Ichor "Old" Style
Organic Acid "New" Style
Organic Acid "Old" Style
- Made by either applying Olthoi Ichor or a Vial of Organic Acid to a Canescent Mattekar Pelt and handing it to Mazur ibn Stounis in Greenspire
- Red variety is made by adding Olthoi Ichor, Blue variety is made by adding the Vial of Organic Acid
- Since From the Darkness Born, you can change back and forth between old and new style by handing it to Balarazo in Greenspire