Introduced:  Dark Majesty
Canescent Mattekar Robe
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 500
  • Covers Chest, Upper Arms, Lower Arms, Abdomen, Upper Legs, Lower Legs, Feet
  • Armor Level: 120
  • Slashing: Average (120)
  • Piercing: Average (120)
  • Bludgeoning: Average (120)
  • Fire: Average (120)
  • Cold: Average (120)
  • Acid: Average (120)
  • Electric: Average (120)
  • Nether: Average (120)
  • Properties: Bonded
  • The Canescent Mattekar Robe, brought to you with the finest care by Britana.
New Canescent Mattekar Robe made with a Vial of Organic Acid.

Notes Edit

Gallery Edit

Palettes Edit

Palettes for Canescent Mattekar Robe (Organic Acid) Grievver Acid New Style
ACID Name Description Sample Hex Sample Hex
4828 CanescentBlue Main 264F79
4733 CanescentVestRed "Vest" & "Shoes" B50000 000000
1692 DarkGrey Belt 202020
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.

Update History Edit

The Gathering Storm

  • Artwork updated to new style.
  • Icon updated.

A Small Victory

  • Atttuned property removed.

From the Darkness Born