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Related topics: Cultures, Drudge, Category:Drudge
Drudges are by far the weakest of the humanoid races, and are often kept by their stronger cousins as slaves or grunt warriors. They often scavenge on the fringes of human lands, preying on the weak and defenseless, and also lurk in shallow dungeons. Most of them stand about four feet tall, and fight with their claws; some employ crude weapons like knives and clubs. In combat, they attack in packs, and with little discipline. Be warned: there are a few varieties of Drudges that are more dangerous than the norm.[1][2][3][4]
History Edit
On Ezheret Edit
Drudges originate from the world the Tumeroks call Ezheret-Hazahtu, although they only live on the body they call Ezheret. This requires some explanation. While a sun does rise and fall in the sky, Ezheret actually orbits another, larger planet called Hazahtu. Hazahtu, or “The Blind Eye,” is an enormous, cloud-shrouded grey-blue orb. Ezheret is hot, humid, and prone to extended periods of foul weather. Gales and hurricanes are frequent, perhaps due to the unusual sparseness of dry land. [5] Ezheret is a moon world capable of supporting several species. Three of these species appear to have better than animal intelligence, capable of crafting rudimentary tools and sustaining a limited form of speech.[6]
The Drudges share Ezheret with the Tumeroks, as well as the perpetually warring Banderlings and Mosswarts.[5] [6] We do not know what they called themselves in that world. Among these races was one which found the light bright beyond bearing. They were nocturnal beasts, by necessity. Their kin were stronger and swifter, and smarter too.[1] So this race emerged only at night, when their betters did not prowl, and retreated to the places they did not frequent. They learned to live as shadowy scavengers, and rummaged among the battle-sites of their larger cousins once the sun, the Egg of the Great Firebird, returned to the bowels of the world. Their kin, the gangly Banderling and the rank Mosswart, would fight and kill each other over respective god-images. Or over a particularly fragrant fruit-bearing tree. Or a spring from which cool, clear water could be procured. Or simply because they both happened to find themselves in the same place. They were not particular about their violence. Sometimes, when in numbers and their enemies few, Drudges would attack the Banderling and Mosswart. Being weak and of cowardly demeanor, this was rare. [1]
This race was named Drudge, for they appear capable of only the most menial of activities. Great numbers have been taken by the Tumerok, for use as slave labor in their own colonies. Many die at this work, but there are always more to take their place, and the Tumeroks do not love them. [1] They were also enslaved by the Banderlings, and behold a grudge against them because of this.[7]
On Dereth Edit
On Dereth, they live in much the same way. They infest those lodgings left untouched by stronger creatures, and take that which has been abandoned or lost by others.[8] They live in colonies where possible[9], and underground by preference[10]. Dereth's underground is riddled with dungeons -- natural caves, subterranean storehouses, sewers, even entire cities . . . and stranger constructs, whose purposes defy explanation. Nevertheless, Drudges can still be found living out in the open, for they are quite stupid, and easily forget the way home.[1]
In Dereth have been seen Drudges altered by powerful magery, fierce and powerful in combat. You will know these by their color; rather than showing the sun-starved pallor of their kin, the hides of these Drudges range from an ashen gray to the black of obsidian.[1] They were altered by the Virindi and can often be found as their servants in different dungeons and the outdoors.[11]
Most notable were the experiments by the Virindi Aerbax. His experimentation on Drudges resulted in a significant higher intelligence and planning[12] capabilities, such as their occupation of the town of Cragstone[13][14][15][16] and the creation of the Drudge Fort, the base of the Prodigal Drudge, Bonecrunch.[17] The drudges were also holding Monougas captive to be used in Aerbax' experiments, [18]
Maybe as a result of these experiments, Drudges started constructing their own dwellings and forts, and building their own apparatuses, whereby they seem to have a fascination with flying devices such as Balloons.[17][19]
Culture Edit
Rulers Edit
Except for the prodigal Drudge, Bonecrunch[17] and Scrum, Drudge Seraph Mystic [20] no leaders of the Drudges are known by name. There are however, some drudges which were known amongst their people for their fierce fighting skills, such as Baktak the Human Slayer and Kerthump, the Ear Taker[21]
Customs and Traditions Edit
Drudges will reproduce, in scores. Being feeble creatures, they kept their numbers by having litters of a dozen at a time. They would make small fires -- perhaps their only civilized skill -- and crudely roast or boil what discarded food they had brought down from above, to feed their kittens. While Drudges can see quite well in the dark, they do require some light. They are not philosophers of magic, nor demons who can see in the complete absence of light.[1]
They are known for scavenging, stealing and lying.[22][23][24][25] They are literate, but not able to express themselves as good as the other creatures from Ezheret.[26][23][27][28][29][30]
Drudges are particularly fond of Apples and were ofter seen stealing and guarding them. [31]. They also like Cheese and Cider[32] and other sweets.[26] This might be the reason they ofter carry Peppermint Sticks and Brown Beans.
Drudges like to dance. One can often observe them doing this in the wild when not busy running or fighting. This "Drudge Dance" became quite popular amongst other humanoids.
Texts Edit
Flying Machine Instructions
Sdolin Buk!
Internet Articles Edit
- The Drudges
- Drudge Utterances
- Drudge Dance (Trivia)
Factions Edit
- Black Claw and Augmented Drudges - result of early Virindi experiments
- Bonecrunch Cragstone Drudges - result of Aerbax experiments
Items Edit
Aviator's Cap
Drudge Championship Belt
Drudge Mask
Bonecrunch's Hammer
Burnja's Board with Nails
Drudge Scrying Orb
Drudge Board with Nail
Drudge Wand
Bloodletter Drudge Charm
Drudge Cabalist Charm
Drudge Charm
Drudge Sage Charm
Gloom Drudge Charm
Murk Drudge Charm
Mystic Drudge Charm
Peerless Drudge Charm
Protective Drudge Charm
Scroll of Flame Chain
Drudge Flying Machine
Flying Machine Plans
Ginger Bread Drudge
Glittering Key
Large Bag of Food
Northern Quiddity Fragment
Southern Quiddity Fragment
Ravener Guts
Drudge Fort Blueprints
The Plan
Huggy Drudge Doll
Pack Drudge
Baby Drudge Crate
Quests Edit
- Aerbax's Prodigal Drudge
- Drudge Aviator
- Drudge Fight
- Drudge Plan
- Harbinger Quest
- Hidden Cavern Quest
- Altered Drudge Kill Task
- Augmented Drudge Kill Task
- Drudge Lurker Kill Task
- Drudge Stalker Kill Task
- Drudge Ravener Kill Task
- Monouga Feeding Pit Quest
- Monouga Laboratory
- Nen Ai's Pet Drudge
- Quiddity Orb Quest
- 01/19/05 - Curmudgeon the Drudge
Art & Images Edit
Click image for full size version.
References Edit
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1999/11 Release - The Drudges
- ↑ 1999/11 Release - Asheron's Call Manual p. 58 - Drudges
- ↑ 2001/11 Dark Majesty - Bestiary: Drudges
- ↑ 2010/06 Shifting Gears - Drudge (Town Network Painting)
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 2001/11 Dark Majesty - Bestiary: Tumeroks
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 2003/05 Discoveries - Theories of Ezheret
- ↑ 2003/11 Visions in the Darkness - Scrum, Drudge Seraph Mystic#Lore&Dialog
- ↑ See for example: 14.0S, 45.3E - Drudge House, 27.8S, 12.1E - Drudge Crypt, 23.0N, 62.1E - Drudge Tower, 36.6S, 77.6E - Drudge Temple, 4.0S, 18.7E - Drudge House not to forget the town of Colier
- ↑ See for example 49.2N, 26.5E - Drudge Camp
- ↑ See for example 2.6S, 17.5E - Drudge Cave, 33.4S, 68.0E - Drudge Cave, 32.2S, 69.9E - Drudge Bunker and many, many dungeons
- ↑ 2001/06 Chains of Command - Quiddity Orb Quest
- ↑ 2007/04 Strange Sightings - Drudge Plan
- ↑ 2007/06 Evolution - Teaser
- ↑ 2007/05 Prodigal Sons - Rollout Article
- ↑ 2007/05 Prodigal Sons - Jarvis Hammerstone#Lore & Dialog
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 2007/05 Prodigal Sons - Aerbax's Prodigal Drudge
- ↑ 2007/07 Intelligent Designs - Monouga Laboratory#Lore & Dialog
- ↑ 2005/01 Assault - Drudge Aviator
- ↑ 2003/11 Visions in the Darkness - Hidden Cavern Quest#Lore & Dialog
- ↑ 2004/05 Mired Hearts - Drudge Fight
- ↑ 2000/12 The Child of Daralet - Stamped Lytelthorpe Scarlet Red Letter
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 2007/05 Throne of Destiny (expansion) - Sdolin Buk!
- ↑ 2007/04 Strange Sightings - Jarvis Hammerstone#Lore&Dialog
- ↑ 2007/04 Strange Sightings - Drudge Plan#Lore&Dialog
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 2007/05 Prodigal Sons - Sergeant Shanks#Lore&Dialog
- ↑ 2005/01 Assault - Flying Machine Instructions
- ↑ 2005/01 Assault - Flying Machine Plans
- ↑ 2007/04 Strange Sightings - The Plan
- ↑ Drudge Utterances
- ↑ 2007/05 Prodigal Sons - Aerbax's Prodigal Drudge#Lore & Dialog
- ↑ 1999/11 Release - Nen Ai's Pet Drudge#Lore & Dialog