NPC Disambiguation Edit
Archmage Edit
- Archmage (Female Sho) Links
- Archmage (Female Viamontian) Links
- Archmage (Male Gharu'ndim) Links
- Archmage (Male Sho) Links
Armorer Edit
Blacksmith Edit
Bowyer Edit
- Roaming Bowyer (Female Aluvian) Links
- Roaming Bowyer (Male Gharu'ndim) Links
- Wandering Bowyer Links (WCID: 1380, WClass: BOWYERSHO)
Farmer Edit
- Farmer (Female Sho) Links (WCID: 1383, WClass: FARMERSHO)
- Farmer (Male Aluvian) Links
- Farmer (Male Gharu'ndim) Links
Healer Edit
- Healer (Female Sho) Links
- Healer (Female Viamontian) Links
- Healer (Male Aluvian) Links
- Healer (Male Gharu'ndim) Links
Merchant Edit
Peddler Edit
- Peddler (Female Sho)
- Peddler (25.7S, 74.7E) Links
- Peddler (27.8S, 68.3E) Links
- Peddler (42.4N, 32.2E) Links
- Peddler (59.8S, 48.5E) Links
- Peddler (Accursed Halls) Links
- Peddler (Brigand Sands) Links
- Peddler (Linvak Range) Links
- Peddler (Mountain Sewer) Links
- Peddler (Peril's Edge) Links
- Peddler (Sawato) Links
- Peddler (South Direlands) Links
- Peddler (Spire Hills) Links
- Peddler (Xinh) Links
- Peddler (Male Aluvian)
- Peddler (Male Gharu'ndim)
Shopkeeper Edit
Weaponsmith Edit
Generic Collector NPCs Edit
- Collector
- Collector (Aluvian) (WCID: 3917, WClass: COLLECTORALUVIAN)
- Collector (Gharu'ndim) (WCID: 3918, WClass: COLLECTORGHARUNDIM)
- Collector (Sho) (WCID: 3920, WClass: COLLECTORSHO)
- Black Hill Collector
- Yukara Miko the Collector
- Collector (Yanshi) (WCID: 21338, WClass: COLLECTORSHOYANSHIDESTROYED)
- Collector (Uziz) (WCID: 49602, WClass: unknown)
- ?
- Collector (Viamontian)
- Ivory Crafter
- Ivory Crafter (Aluvian)
- Ivory Crafter (Gharu'ndim) (WCID: 3926, WClass: CRAFTERIVORYGHARUNDIM)
- Iovry Crafter (Uziz) (WCID: 49600, WClass: unknown)
- Ulna bint-Fasha the Ivory Crafter
- ?
- Neydisa Castle
- Jewel Collector (WCID: 3919, WClass: COLLECTORJEWELSHO)
- Leather Crafter
- Leather Crafter (Aluvian) (WCID: 4213, WClass: LEATHERCRAFTERALUVIAN)
- Arwic, Cragstone, Plateau Village, Fort Tethana, 10.4N, 57.1E - Leather Crafter's Hut (Rithwic west), 11.3N, 61.5E - Leather Crafter's House (Rithwic east),
- Leather Crafter (Gharu'ndim) (WCID: 4215, WClass: LEATHERCRAFTERGHARUNDIM)
- Leather Crafter (Sho) (WCID: 4214, WClass: LEATHERCRAFTERSHO)
- Leather Crafter (Uziz) (WCID: 49601, WClass: unknown)
- Aun Xathurea the Leather Crafter
- ?
- Dandy's Outpost, Ayan Baqur, Neydisa Castle, Tou-Tou
- Leather Crafter (Aluvian) (WCID: 4213, WClass: LEATHERCRAFTERALUVIAN)
- Obsidian Enchanter (WCID: 3927, WClass: OBSIDIANALCHEMISTGHARUNDIM)
- Obsidian Enchantress (Hebian-To) (WCID: 4789, WClass: OBSIDIANENCHANTERSHO)
- Obsidian Enchantress (Holtburg) (WCID: 3929, WClass: OBSIDIANSMITHALUVIAN)
- Olthoi Hunter (WCID: 3980, WClass: OLTHOIHUNER)
- Stone Collector (WCID: 3921, WClass: COLLECTORSTONEGHARUNDIM)
- Pagrok the Stone Collector
- Trophy Smith
- Trophy Smith (Gharu'ndim) (WCID: 3931, WClass: TROPHYSMITHGHARUNDIM)
- Trophy Smith (Sho) (WCID: 3932, WClass: TROPHYSMITHSHO)
- Black Hill Trophy Smith
- Wing Collector
- Wing Collector (Aluvian)
- Wing Collector (Sho) (WCID: 3924, WClass: COLLECTORWINGSHO)
Watcher of the Dead Edit
- Watcher of the Dead (Izji Qo's Temple) AKA Reeshan
- Watcher of the Dead (Ixir Zi's Temple) AKA Kiree
- Watcher of the Dead (Liazk Itzi's Temple) AKA Broodu
- Watcher of the Dead (Hizk Ri's Temple) AKA Keerik
- Watcher of the Dead (Kivik Lir's Temple) AKA Rehir
- Watcher of the Dead (Qin Xikit's Temple) AKA Browerk
Item Disambiguation Edit
SoLL / SoLH Edit
Sword of Lost Hope versions:
- Sword of Lost Hope (No Infusions)
- Sword of Lost Hope (Blue Infusion)
- Sword of Lost Hope (White Infusion)
- Sword of Lost Hope (Red Infusion)
- Sword of Lost Hope (Blue and White Infusions)
- Sword of Lost Hope (Blue and Red Infusions)
- Sword of Lost Hope (White and Red Infusions)
- Sword of Lost Hope (All Infusions)
Empowered Sword of Hope Light versions:
- Empowered Sword of Lost Hope
- Shadowfire Sword of Lost Hope - does not exist?
- Skeletonbane Sword of Lost Hope - does not exist?
- Olthoibane Sword of Lost Hope - does not exist?
Pre-Patch SoLH Versions:
- Sword of Lost Hope (Retired, No Infusions)
- Sword of Lost Hope (Retired, Blue Infusion)
- Sword of Lost Hope (Retired, White Infusion)
- Sword of Lost Hope (Retired, Red Infusion)
- Sword of Lost Hope (Retired, Blue and White Infusions)
- Sword of Lost Hope (Retired, Blue and Red Infusions)
- Sword of Lost Hope (Retired, White and Red Infusions)
- Sword of Lost Hope (Retired, All Infusions)
Pyreal Motes Edit
- Pyreal Mote move to Pyreal Mote (Golem Trophy)
- Metos Pyreal Mote split into Pyreal Mote (Ayan Baqur Metos) and Pyreal Mote (Wai Jhou Metos)
- Imbued Pyreal Mote
Missing NPC Dialog Edit
get dialog for various other NPCs: