Introduced: | Dark Majesty |
- Value: 0
- Burden: 500
- Covers Chest, Upper Arms, Lower Arms, Abdomen, Upper Legs, Lower Legs, Feet
- Armor Level: 120
- Slashing: Average (120)
- Piercing: Average (120)
- Bludgeoning: Average (120)
- Fire: Average (120)
- Cold: Average (120)
- Acid: Average (120)
- Electric: Average (120)
- Nether: Average (120)
- Properties: Bonded
- The Canescent Mattekar Robe, brought to you with the finest care by Britana.
Notes Edit
- Crafted by using a Vial of Organic Acid on a Canescent Mattekar Pelt to create a Treated Canescent Mattekar Pelt, and then giving the treated pelt to Mazur ibn Stounis.
- See also Canescent Mattekar Robe (Olthoi Ichor).
- Give to Balarazo of Greenspire to switch between new and old styles (see gallery).
- WCID: 10870 (Old)
- WCID: 28256 (New)
Gallery Edit
Palettes Edit
ACID | Name | Description | Sample | Hex | Sample | Hex | |
4828 | CanescentBlue | Main | 264F79 | ||||
4733 | CanescentVestRed | "Vest" & "Shoes" | B50000 | 000000 | |||
1692 | DarkGrey | Belt | 202020 | ||||
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame. See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes. |
Update History Edit