Line 549: Line 549:
| Gloves ||align=center| -- ||align=center| 221 ||align=center| -- ||align=center| 20 ||align=center| 1+
| Gloves ||align=center| -- ||align=center| 221 ||align=center| -- ||align=center| 20 ||align=center| 1+
| [[Haebrean Armor|Haebrean Gauntlets]] ||align=center| -- ||align=center| -- ||align=center| -- ||align=center| -- ||align=center| --
| [[Leather Armor|Leather Gauntlets]] ||align=center| 20 ||align=center| 281 ||align=center| -- ||align=center| 173 ||align=center| 1+
| [[Leather Armor|Leather Gauntlets]] ||align=center| 20 ||align=center| 281 ||align=center| -- ||align=center| 173 ||align=center| 1+

Revision as of 18:53, 17 May 2010

Related topics: Quality Flag, Armor, Weapons, Mana Forge, Society Chests


File:Loot Exemplar.jpg

Loot dropped by creatures and found in chests in Asheron's Call is largely random, however there are seven tiers that describe the possible range of item values. Each creature type or chest will only drop loot within its tier's range. The 7th tier was introduced as part of the 100th update Ancient Powers. (Technically there are eight, Tier 0 creatures drop no loot, such as many Elementals and some quest creatures.) During the Old Ghosts update tier 7 loot was expanded to creatures that also drop Pristine Mana Shards. The stat ranges were also adjusted for some items including weapons and covenant armor that drop in the Mana Forge chests.

The tier a particular creature or chest belongs to has to be inferred by what it drops. Because of overlap between tiers it can takes several pulls/drops to correctly determine the tier. Tier levels are shown in the creature stats tables, for example Drudge or Shadows. Tiers are generally tied into monster level, for example wealth 6 loot appears on almost all creatures level 135 or higher (Grave Rats and Restless Spirits are example exceptions, being 135 and Tier 5).

In addition to the tier, there are loot mutators (called profiles)[1][2] that also influence what drops on particular creatures. There is very little information regarding the nature these profiles but they influence the type of materials (salvage), type of armor/weapons, type of items (dinnerware, etc), and quality or number of spells and modifier range. A practical effect of these profiles is that even though two creatures might share the same loot tier, they may differ quite radically in the loot they drop. The only known mutator is the Quality Flag profile that affects loot dropped on Vissidal Island.[3]

Historical Notes:

  • Loot tiers are also referred to as 'Wealth'; thus the best treasure in the game is in Wealth 7. The newer development team seems to prefer Loot Tier; in Srand's day it was Wealth.

Identifying Loot Tiers


Tier Peas Mana Stones Potions Healing Kits Lockpicks Spell Scrolls
0 -- -- -- -- -- --
1 1, 2, 3
2 ?? 3, 4, 5
3 3, 4, 5
4 5, 6, 7
5 6, 7
6 7
7 7, 8*
* Level 8 Spell Components

Loot Properties

Needs revisions:

Loot Properties
Tier Enchanted Spells Caster Base Reqs Weapon Base Reqs Missile Base Reqs Covenant Magic Reqs Covenant Melee Reqs Covenant Missile Reqs Work-
Monster Level Found On*
1 1, 2, 3 None None None None None None 1 - 5 1-34
2 2, 3, 4 None None None, 250 250 250 2 - 6 35-74
3 3, 4, 5 None None, 250 None, 250 ?? 250, 300 250, 270 2 - 7 75-94
4 4, 5, 6, Minor None, 290 250, 300 250, 270 145, 160, 185, 205, 245 225, 300, 325 160, 270, 290 3 - 8 95-114
5 5, 6, 7, Minor, Major (extremely rare) None, 290, 310 325, 350 270, 290 ?? 250, 325, 350, 370 160, 290, 315 3 - 9 115-134
6 6, 7, Minor (4), Major (2) None, 310, 330, 355 350, 370, 400 315, 335, 360 185, 225, 245, 265, 280, 300 200, 250, 300, 325, 350, 370, 400 205, 290, 305, 315, 335 4 - 10 135+
7 6, 7, 8, Minor (4), Major (4), Epic (3) 355, 375 400, 420 360, 375 225, 280, 300 400, 420 360, 375 4 - 10 Chests and Shard Dropping Creatures**
* Exceptions exist but are rare.
** Mana Forge chests and Faction Stronghold chests, creatures that drop Pristine Mana Shards in Graveyard, Freebooter Isle, Moarsman City, Dark Isle, and the Direlands Gear Knight Resistance Camp.


Body Armor

For screenshots of maximum stats, click on the profile of the armor type then view its talk page.

Note: In the 101th patch, Risks and Rewards, the maximum armor levels of many (if not all) armor types were increased. As a result this table may be out of date. If you see an error, please edit it!

Type Heritage Base AL Max AL Coverage Loot Tier
Alduressa Viamontian 90 274 Full --
Amuli Gharu'ndim 90 260 No Head, Hands, Feet 4+
Celdon Aluvian 110 274 No Head, Hands, Feet 4+
Chainmail None 50 264 No Feet 1+
Chiran Sho -- 263 Full --
Covenant Lugian 100 509 Full --
Diforsa Viamontian 100 269 Full 3+
Haebrean Empyrean ?? ??? Full ??
Koujia Sho -- 265 No Head, Hands, Feet --
Leather None 20 253 Full 1+
Lorica Aluvian -- 264 Full --
Nariyid Gharu'ndim -- 273 Full --
Olthoi None 100? 508 Full 7
Olthoi Alduressa Viamontian -- 265 Full 7
Olthoi Amuli Gharu'ndim -- 245 Full 7
Olthoi Celdon Aluvian -- 220 Full 7
Olthoi Koujia Sho 150 275 Full 7
Platemail Aluvian 100 274 Full 3+
Scalemail Gharu'ndim 75 272 No Feet --
Society None 150 274 Full --
Studded Leather None 30 269 Full 1+
Tenassa Viamontian 95 264 No Head, Hands, Feet 4+
Yoroi Sho 80 264 No Hands, Feet 3+

Foot Armor

For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Foot Armor.

Type Base AL Max AL Base Burden Min Burden Loot Tier
Alduressa Boots -- 311 -- 317 --
Chiran Sandals -- 289 -- 394 --
Covenant Sollerets -- 499 -- 217 --
Diforsa Sollerets 100 306 -- 425 --
Haebrean Boots ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Leather Boots 20 305 -- -- 1+
Loafers 20 186 -- 53 1+
Lorica Boots -- 297 -- 309 --
Nariyid Boots -- 312 -- 251 --
Olthoi Alduressa Boots -- 255 -- -- 7
Olthoi Amuli Sollerets -- 263 -- -- 7
Olthoi Celdon Sollerets -- 290 -- -- 7
Olthoi Koujia Sollerets -- 293 -- -- 7
Olthoi Sollerets 100 499 -- 260 7
Sandals 20 211 -- 47 1+
Shoes 20 241 -- 44 1+
Slippers 20 220 -- 41 1+
Sollerets 100 314 -- 257 --
Steel Toed Boots 60 304 -- 451 1+
Studded Leather Boots 30 286 -- 479 1+
Viamontian Laced Boots 20 -- -- -- 1+

Hand Armor

For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Hand Armor.

Type Base AL Max AL Base Burden Min Burden Loot Tier
Alduressa Gauntlets -- 314 -- 661 --
Chainmail Gauntlets 140 304 460 222 1+
Chiran Gauntlets -- 278 -- 472 --
Diforsa Gauntlets -- 311 -- 452 --
Gloves -- 221 -- 20 1+
Haebrean Gauntlets -- -- -- -- --
Leather Gauntlets 20 281 -- 173 1+
Long Leather Gauntlets -- 281 -- 197 1+
Lorica Gauntlets -- 292 -- 446 --
Nariyid Gauntlets -- 312 -- 433 --
Olthoi Alduressa Gauntlets -- -- -- -- 7
Olthoi Amuli Gauntlets -- 246 -- -- 7
Olthoi Celdon Gauntlets -- 307 -- -- 7
Olthoi Gauntlets -- 469 -- -- 7
Olthoi Koujia Gauntlets -- 258 -- -- 7
Platemail Gauntlets 100 310 -- 480 2+
Scalemail Gauntlets -- 303 -- 147 2+
Studded Leather Gauntlets -- 286 -- 256 --

Head Armor

For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Head Armor.

Type Base AL Max AL Base Burden Min Burden Loot Tier
Alduressa Helm -- 314 -- 349 --
Armet -- 309 -- 472 +
Bandana -- 260 -- 19 1+
Beret -- 274 -- 15 1+
Cap -- 291 -- 12 1+
Chainmail Basinet -- 279 -- 194 1+
Chiran Helm -- 291 -- 261 --
Circlet -- 265 -- 47 1+
Coronet -- 247 -- 59 --
Cowl (Fabric) -- 302 -- 16 2+
Crown -- 296 -- 61 1+
Diadem -- 278 -- 76 1+
Diforsa Helm -- 278 -- -- --
Fez -- 288 -- 10 4+
Helmet -- 310 -- 356 --
Heume -- 315 -- 296 --
Horned Helmet -- 314 -- -- --
Kabuton -- 280 -- 394 --
Kasa -- 289 -- 16 1+
Leather Cowl -- 290 -- 105 --
Leather Helm -- 205 -- 295 1+
Lorica Helm -- 284 -- 340 --
Nariyid Helm -- 305 -- 339 --
Olthoi Amuli Helm -- 273 -- 354 7
Olthoi Celdon Helm -- 255 -- 339 7
Olthoi Helm -- 427 -- 351 7
Qafiya -- 292 -- 12 2+
Signet Crown -- 198 -- 93 4+
Studded Leather Basinet -- 290 -- 199 --
Studded Leather Cowl -- 284 -- 167 --
Tear Drop Crown -- 304 -- 73 --
Turban -- 304 -- 10 4+


For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Shields.

Type Base SL Max SL Base Burden Min Burden Loot Tier
Buckler 20 141 420 200 1+
Covenant 100 399 -- -- --
Kite 20 163 690 -- --
Large Kite 40 163 1380 970 --
Large Round 40 163 1380 823 --
Olthoi 100? 399 -- -- 7
Round 20 142 690 -- --
Tower 60 194 2040 -- --
Large Kite
Large Round

Covenant Armor

For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Covenant Armor and Talk:Olthoi Armor (Loot).
Includes Olthoi Loot Armor for tier 7+.

Tiers 4-6 Loot

Armor Level Shield Level Melee Req Missile Req Magic Req Armor Tier Shield Tier
100-199 100-199 200 160 145 -- 4+
200-299 200-299 250 205 185 -- 4+
300-349 300-349 300 245 225 -- --
350-399 350-399 325 270 245 -- 5+
400-439 -- 350 290 265 5+ --
440-469 -- 370 305 280 5+ --
470-499 -- 400 330 300 6+ --

Tier 7 Loot

Note: During the Old Ghosts event the ranges were increased and now overlap. All tier 7 loot armor now has a 150 level requirement also.

Armor Level Olthoi Shield Level Melee Req Missile Req Magic Req Tier
129 - 229 ?? - 225 ?? 200 160 145 7
?? - 291 ?? - ?? 276 250 205 185 7
?? - 331 ?? - ?? 301 - 347 300 245 225 7
384 - 429 381 - 428 ?? - ?? 325 270 245 7
406 - 459 425 - 449 -- 350 290 265 7
449 - 476 459 - 479 -- 370 305 280 7
481 - 509 ?? - 508 -- 400 330 300 7


Please update the tables if you find an item with higher stats. If you believe an item is a true max take a screenshot and post it to the talk page of that weapon type.

Data in grey italics are estimates based on the information on all weapons combined.


For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Axes.

Wield Req Max Damage Max Variance Max Speed Max +Attack Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None 11.4 - 19 0.6 2.5 2.5
250 16.8 - 28 0.6 15 15 2.5 2.5
300 19.2 - 32 0.6 15 15 2.5 2.5
325 21.6 - 36 0.6 15 15 2.5 2.5
350 22.8 - 38 0.6 15 15 2.5 2.5
370 25.2 - 42 0.6 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
25.2 - 42 0.6 39 20 20 4 4
400 27.6 - 46 0.6 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
30 - 50 0.6 60 20 20 4 4
Tier 7
30 - 50 0.6 60 20 20 4 4
Wield Req Max Damage Max Variance Max Speed Max +Attack Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None 9.6 - 16 0.6 2.5 2.5
250 15 - 25 0.6 15 15 2.5 2.5
300 17.4 - 29 0.6 15 15 2.5 2.5
325 19.8 - 33 0.6 15 15 2.5 2.5
350 21 - 35 0.6 15 15 2.5 2.5
370 23.4 - 39 0.6 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
?? - ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
400 25.8 - 43 0.6 40 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
27.02 - 47 0.575 40 20 20 4 4
Tier 7
27.02 - 47 0.575 40 20 20 4 4


For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Bows.

Wield Req Max Damage Mod Max Elemental Bonus Max Speed Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None 100 0 2.5 2.5
250 110 0 15 2.5 2.5
270 120 0 15 2.5 2.5
290 130 0 15 2.5 2.5
315 130 4 15 2.5 2.5
335 130 8 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
130 8 35 20 4 4
360 130 12 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
130 16 20 4 4
Tier 7
130 16 20 4 4


For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Crossbows.

Wield Req Max Damage Mod Max Elemental Bonus Max Speed Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None 130 0 2.5 2.5
250 140 0 15 2.5 2.5
270 145 0 15 2.5 2.5
290 155 0 15 2.5 2.5
315 155 4 15 2.5 2.5
335 155 8 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
155 8 93 20 4 4
360 155 12 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
155 16 20 4 4
Tier 7
155 16 89 20 4 4


For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Daggers.

Standard Daggers
Wield Req Max Damage Min Variance Max Speed Max +Attack Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None 8.4 - 12 0.3 2.5 2.5
250 9.8 - 14 0.3 15 15 2.5 2.5
300 11.2 - 16 0.3 15 15 2.5 2.5
325 12.6 - 18 0.3 15 15 2.5 2.5
350 14 - 20 0.3 15 15 2.5 2.5
370 16.8 - 24 0.3 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
14.4 - 24 0.3 ?? 20 ?? ?? ??
400 18.2 - 26 0.3 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
18.2 - 28 0.3 20 20 4 3.5
Tier 7
19.6 - 28 0.3 20 20 4 3.5
Hiltable Daggers
Wield Req Max Damage Min Variance Max Speed Max +Attack Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None 2 - 7 0.71 ?? 11 11 ?? ??
Tier 7
0 0.9 ?? ?? 20 ?? ??
Tier 7
0.3 - 2 0.9 ?? ?? 20 ?? ??
Tier 7
0.4 - 2 0.9 ?? ?? 20 ?? ??


For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Maces.

Wield Req Max Damage Min Variance Max Speed Max +Attack Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None 13.5 - 18 0.75 ?? ?? ?? 2.5 2.5
250 19.5 - 26 0.75 ?? 15 15 2.5 2.5
300 22.5 - 30 0.75 ?? 15 15 2.5 2.5
325 25.5 - 34 0.75 ?? 15 15 2.5 2.5
350 27 - 36 0.75 ?? 15 15 2.5 2.5
370 28.5 - 38 0.75 ?? 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
28.5 - 38 0.75 31 20 20 4 4
400 31.5 - 42 0.75 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
29.25 - 45 0.65 30 20 20 4 4
Tier 7
32.2 - 46 0.70 25 19
20 4 4
Wield Req Max Damage Min Variance Max Speed Max +Attack Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None 12.75 - 17 0.75 2.5 2.5
250 18.75 - 25 0.75 15 20 2.5 2.5
300 21.75 - 29 0.75 15 20 2.5 2.5
325 24.75 - 33 0.75 15 20 2.5 2.5
350 26.25 - 35 0.75 15 20 2.5 2.5
370 27.75 - 37 0.75 15 20 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
?? - ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
400 30.75 - 41 0.75 15 20 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
33.75 - 45 0.75 25 20 25 4 4
Tier 7
32.25 - 43 0.75 25 20 25 4 4

Magic Casters

For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Magic Casters.

Magic Casters
Wield Req vs Monsters vs Players Max Mana C Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None -- -- 10 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
-- -- 10 20 3.0
290 2 0.5 10 15 2.5 2.5
310 5 1.2 10 15 2.5 2.5
330 8 2 10 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
8 2 10 20 4 4
355 10 2.5 10 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
12 3.0 10 20 4 4
Tier 7
12 3.0 10 20 4 4


For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Spears.

Wield Req Max Damage Max Variance Max Speed Max +Attack Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None 9.35 - 17 0.55 2.5 2.5
250 13.2 - 24 0.55 15 15 2.5 2.5
300 14.3 - 26 0.55 15 15 2.5 2.5
325 15.4 - 28 0.55 15 15 2.5 2.5
350 17.6 - 32 0.55 15 15 2.5 2.5
370 19.8 - 36 0.55 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
?? ?? 24 20 20 4 4
400 22 - 40 0.55 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
24.2 - 44 0.55 25 20 20 4 4
Tier 7
24.2 - 44 0.55 25 20 20 4 4


For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Staves.

Wield Req Max Damage Max Variance Max Speed Max +Attack Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None 9 - 12 0.75 2.5 2.5
250 10.5 - 14 0.75 15 15 2.5 2.5
300 12 - 16 0.75 15 15 2.5 2.5
325 14.75 - 18 0.75 15 15 2.5 2.5
350 15 - 20 0.75 15 15 2.5 2.5
370 18 - 24 0.75 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
16.8 - 24 0.7 20 20 20 4 4
400 19.5 - 26 0.75 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
21 - 28 0.75 20 20 20 4 4
Tier 7
21 - 28 0.75 20 20 20 4 4


For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Swords.

Standard Swords
Wield Req Max Damage Max Variance Max Speed Max +Attack Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None 12 - 20 0.6 ?? 2.5 2.5
250 18 - 30 0.6 ?? 15 15 2.5 2.5
300 21 - 35 0.6 ?? 15 15 2.5 2.5
325 24 - 40 0.6 ?? 15 15 2.5 2.5
350 27 - 45 0.6 ?? 15 15 2.5 2.5
370 30 - 50 0.6 ?? 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
30 - 50 ?? ?? 20 19 ?? 3.5
400 33 - 55 0.6 ?? 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
36 - 60 0.575 26 20 20 4 4
Tier 7
36 - 60 0.6 ?? 20 20 4 4
Hiltable Swords
Wield Req Max Damage Max Variance Max Speed Max +Attack Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None 6.5 - 13 0.5 ?? 11 11 ?? ??
Tier 7
7.15 - 13 0.55 25 10 16 ?? ??
Tier 7
12.6 - 24 0.525 25 20 20 4 4
Tier 7
14.37 - 25 0.575 23 20 20 4 4

Thrown Weapons

For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Thrown Weapons.

Thrown Weapons
Wield Req Max Damage Mod Max Elemental Bonus Max Speed Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None 120 0 2.5 2.5
250 130 0 15 2.5 2.5
270 140 0 15 2.5 2.5
290 150 0 15 2.5 2.5
315 150 3 15 2.5 2.5
335 150 6 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
?? ?? ?? ?? ??
360 150 10 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
150 15 19 20 4 4
Tier 7
150 15 18 20 4 4

Two Handed Weapons

For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Two Handed Weapons.

Two Handed Cleaving Weapons
Wield Req Max Damage Max Variance Max Speed Max +Attack Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None 7.8 - 13 0.60 47 5 5 ? ?
250 9.35 - 18 0.55 48 15 15 2.5 2.5
300 12.6 - 18 0.70 45 15 15 2.5 2.5
325 12.6 - 21 0.60 45 15 15 2.5 2.5
350 17.5 - 25 0.65 31 15 15 2.5 2.5
370 19.6 - 28 0.70 42 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
? - ? ? ? 20 20 4 4
400 21.7 - 32 0.45 30 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
22.75 - 35 0.65 38 20 20 4 4
Tier 7
21 - 35 0.60 39 20 20 4 4
Two Handed Spears
Wield Req Max Damage Max Variance Max Speed Max +Attack Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None 3.75 - 15 0.25 50 10 10 2.5 2.5
250 5 - 20 0.25 45 15 15 2.5 2.5
300 6.6 - 22 0.30 50 15 15 2.5 2.5
325 11.2 - 28 0.40 23 15 15 2.5 2.5
350 11.2 - 28 0.40 39 15 15 2.5 2.5
370 12.4 - 31 0.40 37 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
? - ? ? ? 20 20 4 4
400 13.6 - 34 0.30 42 15 15 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
? - ? ? ? 20 20 4 4
Tier 7
10.5 - 38 0.25 39 20 20 4 4

Unarmed Weapons

For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Unarmed Weapons.

Unarmed Weapons
Wield Req Max Damage Max Variance Max Speed Max +Attack Max +Melee D Max +Missile D Max +Magic D
None 4 - 8 0.5 20 10 15 2.5 2.5
250 5.5 - 11 0.5 15 20 2.5 2.5
300 6.5 - 13 0.5 15 20 2.5 2.5
325 8 - 16 0.5 15 20 2.5 2.5
350 10 - 20 0.5 15 20 2.5 2.5
370 11 - 22 0.5 15 20 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
10.5 - 21 0.5 17 20 25 4 4
400 13 - 26 0.5 15 20 2.5 2.5
Tier 7
14 - 28 0.5 15 20 25 4 4
Tier 7
14 - 28 0.5 20 25 4 4


For screenshots of maximum stats, see Talk:Built in Enchantments.

Enchantments on Loot Items
Tier Max Arcane Req Max Number Spells Max Minors Max Majors Max Epics
1 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0
2 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0
3 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0
4 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0
5 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0
6 ?? ?? ?? 3 0
7 485 ?? ?? 4 3